Thursday, February 11, 2016

How to set up WSO2 Data Analytics Server to collect and analyze runtime statistics from the API Manager using RDBMS

The purpose of this blog post is to elaborate 2 steps given in the documentation [1].

Environment: WSO2APIM 1.10.0, DAS 3.0.0

You can follows the documentation [1] to do the configurations:

I will elaborate more on the steps 7 and 8.

Step 7:
Before saving the Add URL Group make sure you have set the correct thirft port on which DAS is running. You can see the running thrift port in DAS log as shown below.

[2016-02-12 12:01:42,353]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.receiver.binary.internal.BinaryDataReceiver} -  Started Binary SSL Transport on port : 9712
[2016-02-12 12:01:42,354]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.receiver.binary.internal.BinaryDataReceiver} -  Started Binary TCP Transport on port : 9612

Step 8:
For the Data Analyzer Configurations section set the URL and creadentials of the DAS server.
If offset in DAS is set to 1, the configurations would be

Username : admin
Password: admin
