Thursday, April 17, 2014

How to secure the plain text password of NetworkAuthenticatorConfig element in carbon.xml with WSO2 Carbon Secure Vault

If you are familiar with Carbon servers you may have noticed that the passwords are set in plain text in configuration files. This is prone to security vulnerabilities. But with Secure Vault implementation you can get rid of plain text passwords.

Following blog posts provide through knowledge on how to work with  WSO2 Carbon Secure Vault.


In this post I am going to discuss how to secure the password field under 'NetworkAuthenticatorConfig' element defined in carbon.xml

This will require custom implementation as this password field is not supported out of the box. You can follow the 7 steps provided in Blog [1].

I will describe the Implementation details:

You need to modify setupAuthenticator method in class.
Note: The version 4.2.0 may vary depending on your carbon server release.

By default it reads the password value from carbon.xml. But after we use Secure Vault the actual password is not in carbon.xml. Therefore we have to implement the logic in such a way that it will get the decrypted secured password accordingly.

The modified method is as follows:

 private static void setupAuthenticator(CarbonAuthenticator authenticator) throws Exception {
        OMElement documentElement = XMLUtils.toOM(
        OMElement authenticators = documentElement.getFirstChildWithName(
                new QName(ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE, "Security")).
                        new QName(ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE, "NetworkAuthenticatorConfig"));

        if (authenticators == null) {

         String password = null;
         String secretAlias = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Set the entry key used in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
         SecretResolver secretResolver = SecretResolverFactory.create(documentElement, false);

        for (Iterator iterator = authenticators.getChildElements(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            OMElement authenticatorElement = (OMElement);
            if (!authenticatorElement.getLocalName().equalsIgnoreCase("Credential")) {
            String pattern = authenticatorElement.getFirstChildWithName(
                    new QName(ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE, "Pattern")).getText();
            String type = authenticatorElement.getFirstChildWithName(
                    new QName(ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE, "Type")).getText();
            String username = authenticatorElement.getFirstChildWithName(
                    new QName(ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE, "Username")).getText();

            if (secretResolver != null && secretResolver.isInitialized()) {
            if (secretResolver.isTokenProtected(secretAlias)) {
                password = secretResolver.resolve(secretAlias);
            } else {
              password = authenticatorElement.getFirstChildWithName(
                    new QName(ServerConstants.CARBON_SERVER_XML_NAMESPACE, "Password")).getText();
            authenticator.addAuthenticator(type, pattern, username, password);

Patch process:

 - build the org.wso2.carbon.utils bundle with 'mvn clean install'
 - create a directory called patch000X (X can be a preferred number greater than the existing ones) in $PRODUCT_HOME/repository/components/patches/ directory.
 - place the built jar in patch000X directory
 - restart the server with "-DapplyPatches" as follows:

 ./ -DapplyPatches 

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