Monday, December 22, 2014

SSO session timeouts when the applications are idle for 15 minutes [WSO2 IS 5.0.0]

In IS 5.0.0 there is a session cache which gets cleared every 15 minutes and it is not configurable at the moment.
But there is a workaround.
You have to enable remember me while sign-in to the system. Then even if the cache expires in 15 minutes, the session cookie will be retrieved from session data persistence. But this will keep your login active even if you close the browser and reopen it.
You can get rid of that by setting the "RememberMePeriod" under "SessionDataPersist" to -1 in identity.xml.
So every time you close the browser, you will have to login to the application again.

1 comment:

Cijoy said...

What will be the session time out for remember me period if we set it to -1?